Author profile: Beth Speake

A Gendered Approach to Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

Beth Speake • Feb 11 2013 • Essays

The need for a gendered approach to peacebuilding has been acknowledged, but the link between rhetoric and policy implementation remains questionable.

Islam and Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Rights in the MENA Region

Beth Speake • Sep 11 2012 • Essays

Reproductive rights are supported by some political leaders and muftis, and denounced by others, a situation which is reflected in the range of laws pertaining to abortion in the MENA region.

Women’s Bodies Are Battlefields

Beth Speake • Apr 25 2012 • Essays

The targeting of women’s bodies in times of conflict has come to light as a systematic strategy which has been used by different actors in many different contexts worldwide. The current situation in Guatemala provides a pertinent case study.

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