Author profile: Harvey M. Sapolsky

Harvey M. Sapolsky is Professor of Public Policy and Organization, Emeritus, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former Director of the MIT Security Studies Program. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Michigan and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the defense field he has served as a consultant or panel member for a number of government commissions and study groups. His most recent books are US Defense Politics written with Eugene Gholz and Caitlin Talmadge and US Military Innovation Since the Cold War edited with Benjamin Friedman and Brendan Green, both published by Routledge.

Iraq: The Mistake Was Staying

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Mar 8 2013 • Articles

With tens of thousands dead, it is easy to have regrets when reflecting back on the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The real policy mistake was staying there beyond the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Review – The Generals

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 11 2013 • Features

The American military fights a lot, but wins less frequently. Thomas Ricks’ provocative examination of the relative failures of the US military’s major engagements since WWII (Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam) lays the blame with the generals.

Predictions for 2013

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Dec 28 2012 • Articles

It’s that time of year when the illusion of insight is replaced by the illusion of foresight in bloggers everywhere. Attempts to make lists like this one longer or shorter than 10 fail, so in that spirit, let’s get on with it!

The Petraeus Scandal

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Nov 21 2012 • Articles

David Petraeus was thought to be a possible Republican US presidential or vice presidential candidate. This affair has ruined such opportunities, but it will not stop him from being part of the discussion of future national security issues.

No Turkish Syrian War

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Oct 13 2012 • Articles

Turkey will not be an instrument by which the Assad regime is deposed. It will neither directly attack the Assad government nor be the leader of an intervening coalition. If there is intervention, it will have to be an American initiative.

BAE/EADS Merger is a Mistake

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 27 2012 • Articles

BAE Systems is trying to tie up with Airbus’ parent, EADS, to create the world’s largest aerospace company. This merger may yield several problems for the airliner and defence industries.

An Attack on Iran: Four ‘No Ways’ and One ‘Maybe’

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 4 2012 • Articles

The US is broke, the military is focused on new horizons, and international condemnation on an Israeli preventive action will be overwhelming for the US. Hence, short of an Iranian act of aggression, war is unlikely.

Review – Contemporary Military Innovation

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jul 29 2012 • Features

The key to this excellent collection of essays on military planning and practice in the modern era is in the subtitle: anticipation and adaptation.

Obama is Overpromising the Wrong Things

Harvey M. Sapolsky • May 16 2012 • Articles

Fixing America’s debt problem, repairing its infrastructure, and re-training the workforce for a modern economy would prove popular. If only someone would make those promises.

No Brakes

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Mar 3 2012 • Articles

As with America’s war in Afghanistan, there now can be wars without end thanks to a professional military, new technology, and a changing politics of party competition.

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