Author profile: Hope Lozano Bielat

Hope Lozano Bielat received her PhD in Political Science from Boston University and her MPP in International Security from the Harvard Kennedy School. She currently serves as a Fox Alumni Research and Service Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include the intersection of international relations and religion, transnationalism, terrorism, and inclusive security.

Mohammad in Texas: When Transnational Civil Society Becomes Violent

Hope Lozano Bielat • May 12 2015 • Articles

The Islamic State would be successful in winning international favor, and international recognition of its borders, if it did not resort to extreme levels of violence.

Islamic State and the Hypocrisy of Sovereignty

Hope Lozano Bielat • Mar 20 2015 • Articles

The extent to which IS challenges sovereignty depends on its future actions. Its conception of sovereignty cannot survive in the current world order of nation-states.

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