Author profile: Jolyon Howorth

Prof. Jolyon Howorth is Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics and Professor Emeritus of European Studies at the University of Bath and a Visiting Professor of Political Science at Yale University.

European Defence Post-Brexit and ‘EU-NATO Cooperation’: What Level of Ambition?

Jolyon Howorth • Jan 11 2017 • Articles

If it wishes to stabilise its neighbourhood, the EU has no alternative but to develop its capacity to the fullest extent and to become a ‘strategically autonomous’ actor

The European Council’s “Strategic Agenda”: an Agenda, Maybe, but not Strategic

Jolyon Howorth • Jul 16 2014 • Articles

If the “Strategic Agenda” is the result of a lowest common denominator word-processing exercise from within the Council Secretariat, then it serves no useful purpose.

The December 2013 European Council on Defence: Avoiding Irrelevance

Jolyon Howorth • Oct 15 2013 • Articles

The December Council is too important to risk emerging as a non-event. If CSDP is to have a future, it is time to ask some probing, fundamental questions.

CSDP after Lisbon: forging a global grand bargain?

Jolyon Howorth • Dec 21 2009 • Articles

The European Union, in the wake of Lisbon, has become an international actor. It now faces two major external challenges. The first is to develop strategic vision for a potentially tumultuous emerging multi-polar world. The second challenge is to help nudge the other major actors towards a multilateral global grand bargain. The price of failure will be a return to the jungle – a jungle in which European assets will count for very little.

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