Author profile: Lisa Tilley

Dr Lisa Tilley is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick (UK), co-convener of the Raced Markets collaborative research project, and Associate Editor of the Global Social Theory pedagogical resource. Her wider research explores material approaches to ‘the colonial question’, as well as regimes of racial and gendered difference in relation to processes of dispossession. She has published work in relation to debates within political economy, political ontology, post/decolonial thought, and decolonial methodology.

Review – Race, Gender, and Culture in International Relations

Lisa Tilley • Apr 11 2019 • Features

The book crafts unique and insightful approaches to security, political economy, nationalism and IR which build upon a wealth of scholarship on race, gender, and culture.

Review – Connected Sociologies

Lisa Tilley • Feb 15 2017 • Features

As sociology’s imagined European centre comes apart, Bhambra’s book will remain a vital text for those wishing to understand where we have been and where we are going to.

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