Author profile: Nicolo Nourafchan

State Building, the Colonial Legacy and Development: How the North and South Were Born

Nicolo Nourafchan • May 25 2008 • Essays

Developed regions are generally able to provide basic welfare services for their citizens, while developing regions are plagued by extreme poverty, government ineffectiveness, and other socioeconomic adversities.Many scholars have attributed these disparities to the different processes through which state formation occurred in developed and developing countries. It is the purpose of this essay to examine these claims by comparing the state building processes.

A Bloodless War: An Analysis of the Weapons used by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines

Nicolo Nourafchan • May 22 2008 • Essays

Through an analysis of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, this essay sheds some light on the strategies which successful transnational action networks have pursued in their efforts to shape policy .

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