Author profile: Zhiqun Zhu

Zhiqun Zhu, PhD, is a professor of political science and international relations at Bucknell University, USA.

Xi and the North Korea Challenge in the Trump Era

Zhiqun Zhu • Mar 26 2017 • Articles

The United States and China must jointly address the North Korea challenge, based on the consensus that North Korea is a common security threat and peace is possible.

China’s Deeper Penetration into Africa

Zhiqun Zhu • Nov 10 2016 • Articles

As China inches closer to becoming a global power, the rest of the world, especially critical voices within the US, may need to ask themselves: are we ready?

Reflecting on India’s Nuclear Suppliers Group Bid

Zhiqun Zhu • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

For NSG talks to succeed, China must recognise India’s desire to play a bigger global role and India should resist aligning itself with a US-Japan led Pacific alliance.

Xi Jinping’s UK Visit Raises Questions about How to Deal with a Rising China

Zhiqun Zhu • Feb 13 2016 • Articles

President Xi’s active global diplomacy is not so much about what China wants and does, but how the international community responds to the new China

Testing the Waters in the South China Sea

Zhiqun Zhu • Nov 26 2015 • Articles

Reactions to US operations in the South China Sea demonstrate that China and the United States seem to have established a working protocol for issues they disagree on

The Japan-China Relationship as a Structural Conflict

Zhiqun Zhu • Dec 31 2013 • Articles

The already strained relationship between Japan and China has recently faced more challenges and they may benefit from US involvement in the process of regional power transition.

The Korea Crisis and China’s Policy

Zhiqun Zhu • Jun 2 2010 • Articles

China’s mild response to the March 2010 sinking of South Korean navy warship Cheonan has frustrated many people. It has not joined the United States, Japan, and South Korea in openly condemning Pyongyang and threatening punitive measures. What explains China’s fence-sitting on this issue? What is China interest on the Korean peninsula?

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