International Security

“The New Guantanamo”: The Psychological Impact of US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Vijay Luhan • May 16 2015 • Essays

The effects of drones beyond reducing American casualties cannot continue to be overlooked; a more comprehensive evaluation must determine their overall effectiveness.

The Russo–Georgian War and the War in Donbas: Is History Repeating Itself?

Matt Finucane • May 15 2015 • Essays

Georgia and Ukraine wars of 2008 and 2014 bear a resemblance because each was triggered primarily by Russian strategic concerns—often relating to the Black Sea.

How Effective Was US Involvement in Covert Coups in Containing the USSR?

Patrick Hoveman • May 14 2015 • Essays

Coups were often effective in the short term, but their weakness lies in their long term effects – most notably via deep bitterness from states involved and blowback

Global Governance of Maritime Piracy: Closing the Legal Gaps

Charlotte Carnehl • May 13 2015 • Essays

The International Contact Group on Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) is considered a successful example of global governance of maritime policy.

Ukraine Conflict: An Inflection Point of International Security

Peter J. Marzalik • May 2 2015 • Essays

The global level of analysis represents a useful framework to examine a key dimension of the Ukraine conflict: the interstate proxy struggle between Russia and the West.

Why the Democratization Process may Increase the Possibility of Conflict

Julian Untiet • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Factors contributing to the triggering of conflict during the democratization process can be broadly classed with three categories: security, credibility, and legitimacy.

Does International Order Ultimately Rely on States and Military Power?

Haoyu Zhai • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Despite the growing significance of other actors and factors, the contemporary global international order still ultimately relies on states and military power.

Are There People Outside of Identity?

Stina Wassén • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Despite being significantly constrained by preexisting social structures, refugees and asylum seekers actually can and do express agency and political identities.

Divide and Rule: A Machiavellian Account of Israel’s Targeted Killings

Alexander Vincent Beck • Apr 18 2015 • Essays

From a Realist perspective, Israel‘s application of targeted killings is consistent with its grand strategy and has undermined the Palestinian independence movement.

Drones, Gender and Classical Realists

John de Bhal • Apr 17 2015 • Essays

Drones offer little strategic value because they have the capacity to perpetuate the problem they are trying to solve, which is argued through two theoretical approaches.

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