Foreign Policy

Intervention, Rectificatory Justice and Immigration: France and Ben Ali

Jakob Mckernan • Jan 8 2016 • Essays

Looking at the example of France and Tunisia, past interference in the political and social life of a country should be considered as a criteria of assessing immigration.

The Racialisation of Rape Narratives in British Media Coverage of the Delhi Rape

Scarlett Cockerill • Jan 5 2016 • Essays

The symbolic and emotive potential of rape narratives has, throughout colonial and post-colonial history, been powerfully employed in connection with race.

Analyzing the Threat of Human Trafficking in Europe

Dale Anderson • Dec 29 2015 • Essays

Sweden’s Sex Purchase Act of 1999 has had the unintended consequence of organized crime groups finding a new path of least resistance in human trafficking

Snake Oil: US Foreign Policy, Afghanistan, and the Cold War

Vincent J. Tumminello II • Dec 27 2015 • Essays

Afghanistan has become a “snake country”: where loyalty can only be rented, solutions are always temporary, and the law of the stronger prevails.

What is Security? Securitization Theory and its Application in Turkey

Siddharth Sethi • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

Examining the issue of Turkey’s accession to the EU, this essay examines how non-security issues can be securitized by various social and political actors.

Should Irregular Fighters Be Excluded From Legal Protections Such As POW Status?

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

‘Irregular’ is a demonising exclusionary weapon of war applied only to those opposing US goals for the purposes of improving the legitimate guise of its actions.

Pax Americana: the United States as Global Hegemon or Imperialist in Disguise?

Nathan Down • Dec 9 2015 • Essays

A downward trend in prestige and economic power, along with geopolitical challenges, seems to be forcing the US to realign its foreign policy interests and direction.

Jihadi State-Building: A Comparative Study of Jihadis’ Capacity for Governance

Connor Kopchick • Dec 7 2015 • Essays

An evaluation of the abilities of ISIS, the Afghan Taliban prior to their ousting in 2001 and Boko Haram to engage in state-building – and what forms are ‘successful’.

Energy Security in Europe: How Is the EU Dealing with It?

Cristina Puntaru • Dec 3 2015 • Essays

Today, energy security is at the top of the EU agenda. The EU’s reliance on Russian gas has caused many nations to reconsider many of their energy-related policies.

The Challenges and Successes of EU Democracy Promotion Policies

Joshua Gray • Nov 24 2015 • Essays

The success of EU democracy promotion is contingent upon the degree of bargaining power the EU possesses vis-à-vis ‘third countries’.

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