Conflict Management

Review – Practicing Peace

Sarwar Minar • Jun 25 2023 • Features

Aarie Glas describes practices of conflict management in Southeast Asia and South America but questions arise about the applicability of such practices in other regions.

Review – The Negotiators

Felicia Yuwono • Apr 19 2023 • Features

Jennifer Williams interviews negotiators to provide in-depth accounts of global and domestic crisis management, but the podcast lacks a cohesive takeaway on negotiations.

Educating Conflict Management and Practicing Peacebuilding: The Case of Lebanon

An Jacobs and Norma Rossi • Dec 9 2017 • Articles

Peer learning in higher education can help to align peacebuilding theory and practice, scholars and practitioners, thus putting research to work for sustainable peace.

Syria: A Litmus Test for Chinese Foreign Policy

Ghaidaa Hetou • Jun 20 2012 • Articles

Chinese officials appear consistent in supporting a peaceful transition and a political outlet in Syria. China may be passing the test of ascending to international leadership.

Sudan and South Sudan Still Suffering the Consequences of Divorce

Peter Run • Apr 2 2012 • Articles

Less than a year following the break up of Sudan into two sovereign republics, it is ticking all the boxes of a bitter and nasty dissolution of marriage.

The Role of the Media in Peace Building, Conflict Management, and Prevention

Nora Kuusik • Aug 28 2010 • Articles

Freedom of expression is the core of a healthy media, a fundamental human right, and vital for a democratic structure. Lack of information can, at any stage of a conflict, make people desperate, restless and easy to manipulate. The potential of the media in conflict and post-conflict situations remains a net positive, and has been sadly underutilized to this point in time

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