Turkish-American Relations and the Kurdish Thorn of Syria

Michael Goodyear • Apr 17 2018 • Articles

Turkey’s fight against the YPG and capture of Afrin serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Turkish power in Syria and puts poor Turkish-U.S. relations at further risk.

Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch: Why is Turkey Attacking the YPG in Syria?

Polat Urundul • Mar 22 2018 • Articles

Turkey has entered Syria’s Afrin district to combat the YPG in order to guarantee security at the border as well as its place at the table of Syrian peace talks.

Turkey’s Unholy Alliance in Syria

Mustafa Demir • Sep 14 2017 • Articles

Turkey’s new doctrine sees the future of the country in a coalition with Russia and China. Turkey’s NATO membership is no longer a priority for this ‘unholy alliance’.

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