
Discursively Constructing a Space Threat: ‘China Threat’ & U.S. Security

Caleb Pomeroy • Jun 6 2015 • Essays

China’s rise in space power, and the United States’ interpretations of that rise, force us to reflect on how threats are constructed and perceived.

Europe as a Normative Power on Climate Change? The EU’s Engagement with China

Yan Shaohua • May 27 2015 • Essays

By examining the European Union’s engagement with China on climate change, the EU could arguably be a credible normative power on climate change policy.

The Russo–Georgian War and the War in Donbas: Is History Repeating Itself?

Matt Finucane • May 15 2015 • Essays

Georgia and Ukraine wars of 2008 and 2014 bear a resemblance because each was triggered primarily by Russian strategic concerns—often relating to the Black Sea.

The European Union’s Neighbourhood Policy in Morocco and Azerbaijan

anon • May 4 2015 • Essays

The democratisation strategy of the EU in Morocco and Azerbaijan favours the stability of existing power structures and has therefore been largely ineffective.

Ukraine Conflict: An Inflection Point of International Security

Peter J. Marzalik • May 2 2015 • Essays

The global level of analysis represents a useful framework to examine a key dimension of the Ukraine conflict: the interstate proxy struggle between Russia and the West.

A Cold War That Boils: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia

Emily Chen • Apr 27 2015 • Essays

The Asian Cold War stemmed from a 3-stage interplay of the two superpowers in the early regional conflicts.

The EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Negotiation Deadlock

Yan Shaohua • Apr 23 2015 • Essays

The stalemate of the EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) negotiations can be explained by the small size of overlapping win-sets of the two sides.

Towards Justice? – Hybridity and Bureau-Shaping in Cambodia

Arthur Sim • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

The formation of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia was centrally influenced by Cambodian politicians in ways detrimental to the Chamber’s longevity.

The Developing World’s Need for a Postmodern Understanding of Feminism

Michael Wooldridge • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

Liberal feminism is necessary but insufficient for redressing structural gender inequalities in the developing world, as they require instead a postmodern understanding.

Australia’s Foreign Policy Approach on Climate Change: Leader or Laggard?

Elizabeth Feeney • Apr 15 2015 • Essays

Australia’s engagement with the international climate change regime highlights complex dilemmas embedded within the very nature of the issue itself.

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