Political Economy

Free Press, Democracy and the Prevention of Famines

Neil Grogan • Aug 28 2013 • Essays

To prevent famine, democracy and a free press trump single-minded agricultural expansion. Where agriculture fails, the lobbying capabilities of citizens enables a political response.

Evaluating the Integration of the South African Women’s Movement

Roxanne Juliane Kovacs • Aug 14 2013 • Essays

Neither the increased number of female participants in politics nor the establishment of the National Gender Machinery has improved women’s material conditions in South Africa.

What Implications Does Rising Chinese Influence Have for Latin America?

Chris Barker • Aug 13 2013 • Essays

The economic implications resulting from the rising Chinese influence in Latin America are differentiated from country to country, but also within each country’s economic sector.

Has Guaranteed Electoral Success Left the ANC Complacent?

Olivia McQuillan • Aug 10 2013 • Essays

Electoral dominance has allowed the ANC to grow complacent. Although the public remains largely supportive, it is increasingly disillusioned by the lack of tangible progress.

Reconsidering the Environment-Security Relationship

Ashleigh Croucher • Aug 7 2013 • Essays

Rather than redefining traditional notions of security to encompass the environment, the link between environmental change and vulnerability to conflict must be examined.

Have International Financial Institutions Improved?

Franziska Wehinger • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

The International Financial Institutions have moved from an ideologically driven approach to one that is more peace-sensitive, promising greater stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Women’s Water Woes: Privatization and Reinforcement of Gender Inequality

Michele Cantos • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

The privatization and commoditization of water involves complex distributional choices that disproportionately impact women and girls living in slums and informal settlements.

Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA): Altruism or Mercantilism?

Yuki Yoshida • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

Because the ODA allows Japan to show its international presence, as the country cannot deploy its defense forces, Japan’s ODA remains the cornerstone of Japanese foreign policy.

American Energy Security in a Changing Global Energy Market

Robert Copper • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

The United States’ struggle to coherently define a sound definition of energy security has impeded the country’s ability to adequately address the diverse risks to its energy security.

Liberal Countries: The Proprietors of Conflict

Mel Nowicki • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Rather than providing a model of peace for the developing world, liberal states are instigators of conflict in the developing world via their frequent military forays.

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