Author profile: Yuki Yoshida

Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA): Altruism or Mercantilism?

Yuki Yoshida • Jul 27 2013 • Essays

Because the ODA allows Japan to show its international presence, as the country cannot deploy its defense forces, Japan’s ODA remains the cornerstone of Japanese foreign policy.

Emerging Ethnic Hatred in Jonglei State, South Sudan

Yuki Yoshida • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Trapped in an ethnic security dilemma, the Lou Neur and Murle in South Sudan have entered into an ethnic conflict in which they compete over scarce resources for cattle grazing.

A Theoretical Assessment of Humanitarian Intervention and R2P

Yuki Yoshida • Jan 16 2013 • Essays

Although “humanitarian interventions” have been undertaken in the post-Cold War era, most were not purely humanitarian-oriented, but driven by states’ national interests.

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