
Deciphering Xi Jinping’s Community of Shared Future for Mankind

Klaus Heinrich Raditio • Sep 9 2024 • Articles

Whether the Community of Shared Future of Mankind will materialize as the vision of world order depends on Beijing’s consistency with its rhetoric.

Challenge or Opportunity? EU-China Economic Cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative

Ji Li • Sep 8 2024 • Articles

As the Chinese-US relations are tense, the EU’s prudence seems to be a more appropriate and compromising strategy for dealing with China.

Interview – Colin Flint

E-International Relations • Aug 15 2024 • Features

Colin Flint talks about China’s rise, influence in the South China Sea and the Belt and Road initiative, as well as the importance of ports and seapower in geopolitics.

US-China Dynamics: Competition, Conflict or Cooperation?

Muqtedar Khan, Jiwon Nam and Amara Galileo • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

The ‘US-China Dynamics’ article series explores whether both states can be geopolitical and economic competitors, yet jointly maintain global order.

The Populist Potential of the US and its Fragile Grip on the International System

Ibrahim Enes Aksu • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

Donald Trump would likely destroy any chance of ‘sharing hegemony’ with China by bringing more instability and uncertainty into US policymaking.

Coexisting Influence: The Sino-American Competition in Europe

Spencer Whyte • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

China’s diplomatic and economic growth in Europe may stand as an example of how it may exert influence in regions not as historically and institutionally dominated by the US.

Russia’s Reaction to US-China Competition in Central Asia

Gunay Khalilova • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

The United States needs to clearly state the connection of Central Asia to its grand strategy, focusing on the foreign policy goal of engaging with the region.

The US-Iran-China Nexus: Towards a New Strategic Alignment

Toms Ratfelders • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

The restoration of the JCPOA provides the best bet America has for tackling the Chinese challenge to the US-dominated global hierarchy.

US-China Rivalry and the Future of Africa

Amara Galileo • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

African leaders must avoid exploitative agreements and focus on collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships that are not laden with hidden costs and future economic burdens.

Opinion – China’s Worldview in the Petroyuan Era

Guan Kiong Teh • Jul 25 2024 • Articles

The end of the Petrodollar Accord and the potential rise of China’s Petroyuan in its place will cause ripples in the world order.

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