
Small Island Climate Diplomacy in the Maldives and Beyond

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Jun 16 2019 • Articles

The Maldives’ conference was a milstone initiative of island diplomacy. It drew the ideational framework of SIDS’ leadership in climate politics laying foundations for their island diplomacy.

Can the Maldives Steer Regional Power Politics?

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Jan 30 2019 • Articles

While the Maldives changing behaviour may be under India’s influence, there is also more to this story considering the Maldives past independent foreign policy stance.

Wanted: trust fund benefactors

Rodger A Payne • Aug 25 2009 • Articles

Mohamed Nasheed, a former journalist and political prisoner who was elected president of the Republic of Maldives last fall, is relatively pragmatic (and pessimistic) about the future prospects of his nation constituted by 1200 small islands in the Indian Ocean.

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