Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Neom Project, the Howeitat Conflict and Tribe-State Relations

Chelsi Mueller and Helena Schmidt • Aug 24 2023 • Articles

The case of the Howeitat’s division over the Neom project portends a decidedly weaker role for tribes and kinship groups in Mohammed bin Salman’s “new Saudi Arabia.”

Review – Scripts of Terror

Louise Pears • Apr 23 2023 • Features

Wilkinson demonstrates that stories matter to terrorists via detailed case studies, but could do more to consider where the scripts come from and the power of narrative.

Opinion – China’s Saudi-Iran Deal and Omens for US Regional Influence

Shaarif Sameer • Mar 16 2023 • Articles

The pivot to Asia has caused tremendous damage to American leadership in the Middle East, leading to a power vacuum that is being filled by China.

Opinion – Is the Next Middle East War on the Horizon?

Glen Segell • Dec 4 2020 • Articles

The assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh amidst high profile Israeli-Saudi diplomacy may be omens for escalation in the Middle East.

Opinion – Saudi Arabia’s Pivot to Asia

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Sep 29 2020 • Articles

Upon celebrating its 90th anniversary, the Kingdom’s pivot to Asia reflects the intent of securing long-term economic and strategic cooperation with Asian powers.

The Crime of Hunger: Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis

Johan Leijon • Sep 17 2020 • Articles

The situation in Yemen exemplifies the effect of human involvement and shows that mass hunger is actor-driven and not a natural phenomenon.

Opinion – The Contours of the Saudi Arabia-Pakistan Relationship

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Feb 20 2020 • Articles

With India causing discomfort to Islamabad, the long-standing Islamic alliance will continue on the basis of strategic, political and economic convergences that are crucial for both countries.

Israel and the Arab Gulf: An Israeli-Saudi Alliance in the Making?

Martin Beck • Nov 8 2019 • Articles

A strategic alliance between the Gulf States and Israel would be a first major step toward Israel’s transformation into the leading Middle Eastern regional power.

The Post-Khashoggi US-Saudi Relationship and the Limits of a Moral Response

Omar Sedky • Apr 1 2019 • Articles

The U.S – Saudi relationship began in the 1970s and the death of Mr. Khashoggi threatens future cooperation. If HR 7070 is passed, American security assistance would end.

OPEC+ and Beyond: How and Why Oil Prices Are High

Martin Beck • Jan 24 2019 • Articles

Assessments of recent developments in oil prices are problematic as delineations of the effects of market forces often lack sufficient complexity.

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