Author profile: David R. Marples

David R. Marples is a Research Analyst in the Contemporary Ukraine Program, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Distinguished Professor of Russian and East European History at the University of Alberta. His books include Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: A Memoir (2020), Ukraine in Conflict (2017), ‘Our Glorious Past’: Lukashenka’s Belarus and the Great Patriotic War (2014), Russia in the 20th Century: The Quest for Stability (2011), and Heroes and Villains: Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine (2007).

Memory Laws: Censorship in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 5 2020 • Articles

Ukraine had about 5000 Lenin statues placed during the former Soviet Union. Their removal seemed logical and natural: after all, what was Lenin to Ukraine?

Western Fact Finders: Entering the Soviet Union

David R. Marples • Jul 3 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences on Western fact-finding missions into the Soviet Union and Ukraine during the 1980s.

The Maidan Revolution in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 1 2020 • Articles

The reports from Ukraine made International headlines and the actions in Maidan were visible live on social media. Before long, it was hard to discern truth from fiction.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: A Memoir

David R. Marples • Jun 30 2020 • Articles

No writer really knows whether their experiences are unique or common, whether their insights are in any way original. Still, I convinced myself that there were some unusual things about my own.

Monitoring the Chernobyl Disaster

David R. Marples • Jun 30 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which garnered Marples international recognition.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: Heroes and Villains

David R. Marples • Jun 23 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences teaching and documenting the struggles of establishing an accepted history of Ukraine.

Visiting the Russian Far East: Yakutsk

David R. Marples • Jun 16 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences travelling to the Russian Far East in the 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union at the start of the decade.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: The Beginning

David R. Marples • May 24 2020 • Articles

The book describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences from a student in London to a history professor in Alberta, Canada.

The COVID-19 Experiment in Minsk

David R. Marples • May 14 2020 • Articles

Lukashenka may or not may be the last dictator of Europe. But that he has risked the lives of thousands for a commemorative event is undeniable. It may be the epitaph of his lengthy presidency.

Crimea 2014: Recapping Five Months of Change in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 23 2017 • Articles

The West is simply unable to predict Vladimir Putin’s next move and NATO is belatedly bolstering its position in the eastern borderland member states.

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