Non-State Actors / IGOs

China’s Instrument or Europe’s Influence? Safeguard Policies in the AIIB

Patricia Sophia Wild • Sep 1 2020 • Essays

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has implemented safeguard policies that rival those of the World Bank Group. How can existing IR theory explain this?

How Should the International Criminal Court Be Assessed?

Simon Hilditch • Aug 27 2020 • Essays

The most appropriate way to evaluate the success or failure of the ICC is to apply comparative case study methods to critique based in pragmatism.

On Memes and Men: How Gendered Memes Influenced Trump’s 2016 Election Legitimacy

Sofia Romansky • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

Gendered memes aided Trump’s election by representing him as a hyper-masculine leader, granting him authoritative power and reinforcing his positive political identity.

US Counter-Terrorism and Right-Wing Fundamentalism

James Greenhalgh • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

The US counter-terrorism strategy must include right-wing fundamentalism and not purely focus on Islamic radicalisation.

The Bodies of Others: United States Drone Strikes and Biopolitical Racism

Hanul Cho • Aug 24 2020 • Essays

Biopolitical racism embedded in the discourse of US drone programs allowed the Obama administration to construct a right to exert biopower on the bodies of others.

How Important is Neutrality in Providing Humanitarian Assistance?

Anahita Bordoloi • Aug 18 2020 • Essays

While neutrality is difficult to adhere to, it should be treated as the means to help provide aid to as many victims of conflict, and as quickly, as possible.

Assessing Globalisation’s Contribution to the Sex Trafficking Trade

Isabella Lahdo • Aug 14 2020 • Essays

The sex trafficking industry has been facilitated by Structural Adjustment Programs and the related economic vulnerability of women.

The Right to Be Here: A Case for the Inclusion of Women in Peace Negotiations

Rosa Rahimi • Aug 12 2020 • Essays

The feminist case for female participation in peace negotiations should be made on grounds that may appear to be deceptively simple.

Accepting the Unacceptable: Christian Churches and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Rita Deliperi • Aug 9 2020 • Essays

The role the Christian Church played has come to represent one of heaviest failures of Christian ethics and the institutions that profess and practice its commandments.

State Feminism and the Islamist-Secularist Binary: Women’s Rights in Tunisia

Kira Jinkinson • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

Contrary to the standard narratives promoted in the West, the coming to power of an Islamist party in Tunisia has not been detrimental to women’s rights.

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