Child Soldiers

Review – The Child Soldier’s New Job

Kai Chen • Mar 18 2017 • Features

By critically examining the use of child soldiers in privatised wars Ellesoe’s documentary forces viewers to challenge the commercialisation of the monopoly on violence.

Review – Comparative Study of Child Soldiering on Myanmar-China Border

Simon Reich • Jan 26 2016 • Features

Despite its briefness, this title does an admirable job of explaining the underlying causes of what is arguably the most acute case of child soldiering today.

Post-Development and the Practitioner

Christopher Keith Johnson • Jan 8 2014 • Articles

Post-development thinking interrogates the history, meaning, and motives of the development industry while forcing the development professional to change how they view the world.

Child Soldiers & International Law

John Still • Jun 21 2011 • Articles

In 2000, the UN reported that 36 countries were currently involved in conflict in which child soldiers were taking part. 17 of those conflicts saw the state itself employing children to fight. While some are kidnapped or forced into military service many join of their own volition, seduced by the illicit glamour of violence, tales of war and the promise of adventure which recruiters provide.

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