
The Iranian Revolution at 40: Shifting Grounds, Continuing Resilience

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Mar 14 2019 • Articles

Despite challenges, the Islamic Republic is here to stay with its military and social capacity to defend itself from foreign aggression and domestic intervention.

American Policy towards Czechoslovakia, 1918–1945

Artem Zorin • Mar 13 2019 • Articles

Despite calls for support from Czechoslovak democratic forces, the U.S. showed no intentions of increasing its influence in the republic following both World Wars.

Balancing in Central Europe: Great Britain and Hungary in the 1920s

Tamás Magyarics • Mar 13 2019 • Articles

The most important issue in British-Hungarian relations was the economic and financial stabilisation of Hungary, which reflected British priorities within the region.

What to Do When You Don’t Like a Topic You Teach?

Gustav Meibauer • Mar 12 2019 • Articles

Some dislike very narrow things, such as single concepts, specific time periods or empirical cases. Others dislike broad theories, large-scale phenomena, and entire (sub-)disciplines.

Great Power Meddling in Central Europe: 1914–45

Aliaksandr Piahanau • Mar 12 2019 • Articles

During the Great War, the interwar period, and World War 2 the area situated between Germany and Russia became the target of covert or direct expansion.

Ukraine and Russia Gird for Presidential Election

Trivun Sharma • Mar 10 2019 • Articles

Ukraine is gearing up for a presidential election that will set its course for the next five years, perhaps most crucially in terms of its relations with Russia.

The Comfort Women Controversy in the American Public Square

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Mar 10 2019 • Articles

A prevalent mindset existed, and is deeply rooted, among both the Japanese and American military that women were expected to provide sexual services to their soldiers.

Venezuela: A Difficult Puzzle to Solve

Paulo Afonso Velasco Junior • Mar 9 2019 • Articles

The scenario for Venezuela is very difficult, but while the armed forces are with Maduro, he will remain in power, despite internal and external opposing pressures.

Class Matters: Global Capital Mobility and State Power in Emerging Economies

Ilias Alami • Mar 9 2019 • Articles

To what extent has international capital mobility caused an erosion of state power? The issue is particularly pressing for developing and economies who remain vulnerable.

Statue Politics vs. East Asian Security: The Growing Role of China

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Mar 8 2019 • Articles

China’s goals in jumping on the official comfort women bandwagon are arguably strategic, helping support the growing divide between Japan and Korea.

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