
Media Minefield? Genocide, Peacekeeping, Failures in Rwanda

Tanushree Rao • Jul 31 2013 • Essays

By failing to committedly report on Rwanda, the media prevented public opinion from reaching a stage of a greater positive response to the genocide.

Israel, Refugees, and Collective Identity

Eliran Kirschenbaum • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Can societies absorb refugees and still maintain their security? An examination of Israeli state practices toward African asylum-seekers can help answer this question.

The Pot Boils Over: Egypt’s Ongoing Arab Spring

David Ernenwein • Jul 14 2013 • Essays

As the political factions wrangle for power, the future of the Egyptian Revolution relies on the army remaining aloof, choosing to keep the country at peace rather than seeking political power.

Emerging Ethnic Hatred in Jonglei State, South Sudan

Yuki Yoshida • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Trapped in an ethnic security dilemma, the Lou Neur and Murle in South Sudan have entered into an ethnic conflict in which they compete over scarce resources for cattle grazing.

The French Intervention in Mali

Patrick Pitts • Jul 1 2013 • Essays

A victory in Mali will allow France to achieve political penance for “francafrique” while simultaneously obtaining renewed power on the international stage.

Institutions and Conflict Resolution in Africa

Anthony Demetriou • Jun 21 2013 • Essays

Regional and international missions must have adequate equipment, a strong mandate, and sufficient funds in order to have a chance at influencing conflict resolution in Africa.

Africa’s Burden: Labour Markets, Natural Resources and the FDI ‘Reliance-Rejection’ Paradox

Andrea de Mauro • Jun 11 2013 • Essays

Sub-Saharan Africa is locked in an FDI paradox that prevents it from funding its own development, a problem for which international financial institutions bear much responsibility.

Using the ‘Queer’ to Construct the Non-West

Mel Nowicki • May 24 2013 • Essays

The non-West is often portrayed as underdeveloped and its emigrants are securitised in order to ensure the West’s preservation and justify its self-interested interventions.

Critically Assessing the Role of Islam in Authoritarian Contexts

Tom Moylan • May 18 2013 • Essays

To assert that Islam necessitates authoritarian regimes eschews the diverse experiences of Muslims, and interpretations of Islam and democracy.

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire

Joshua Fenlon • May 13 2013 • Essays

The geopolitical imaginations in the film ‘Shake Hands with the Devil’ offer a unique inside-out perspective from the position of one man, Romeo Dallaire, and his experience of Rwandan genocide.

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