Climate Change

An IR for the Global South or a Global IR?

Amitav Acharya • Oct 21 2015 • Articles

IR textbooks are stubbornly Westphalic, and with limited exceptions merely pay lip-service to non-Western histories, voices and perspectives.

United by Strength or Oppression? A Critique of the Western Model of Feminism

Ioana Cerasella Chis • Sep 29 2015 • Essays

The white, Western model of feminism complies and converges with the development-industrial complex such that the concerns of women in the Global South are distorted.

NAFTA’s Future and Regional Security Cooperation

Richard W. Coughlin • Mar 7 2015 • Articles

The ultimate fate of NAFTA might be that the forces it has unleashed – mass migrations and transnational organized crime – are too powerful and destabilizing to contain.

The Business of Ethics

Dylan Kissane • Feb 20 2013 • Articles

One of the challenges of teaching politics in a business school is that the students generally arrive in class after years where they have been taught to chase profit. What students often lack, though, is a sense of business ethics.

South Africa and the BRICS: An Ingrained Ambiguity

Siphamandla Zondi • Jun 12 2012 • Articles

In the inaugural post of “Throwing BRICS,” Siphamandla Zondi argues that South Africa’s dual identity is an ingrained ambiguity ensuring that the BRICS will remain a major priority in its foreign policy.

Why BRICS Matters

Oliver Stuenkel • Mar 28 2012 • Articles

Western commentators often dismiss BRICS as an acronym in search of an identity. Yet, as BRICS becomes increasingly institutionalized it is changing global discourse.

IR and the Global South: final confessions of a schizophrenic teacher

Peter Vale • Oct 30 2009 • Articles

As I’ve hacked my way through the thicket of the Great Debates these thirty-odd years past, I’ve increasingly wondered what my students must have made of my passion for ideas which appear at odds with the lives they lead – even, indeed, the countries they have come to know.

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