Author profile: Dylan Kissane

Dylan Kissane is Professor of International Politics at CEFAM in Lyon, France. He is the curator of The Ivory Tower blog on E-IR.

Holiday Gifts for IR Professors

Dylan Kissane • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

Dan Drezner offered a gift guide for political scientists in the Washington Post last week. In the same spirit, here are some ideas for the IR professor in your life.

Giving Thanks

Dylan Kissane • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

On this Thanksgiving Day a professor like me has a lot to be thankful for, as does anyone else who is rich, free, and alive all at the same time.

Bringing It All Back Home

Dylan Kissane • Nov 17 2014 • Articles

There are lots of small changes coming to the POLS 210 course in the Spring, but the biggest change is to the course website which is going public for the first time.

From Citations to Clicks

Dylan Kissane • Nov 11 2014 • Articles

There’s an impression that the world of the academic is independent of the pressures of competition and marketing. That impression is wrong and proving more so every day.

Professor on the Run

Dylan Kissane • Nov 6 2014 • Articles

Some of the most important work that a professor can do to assure high quality of their work is to head outside and put one foot in front of the other on the road.

The Future of Academic Publishing?

Dylan Kissane • Oct 28 2014 • Articles

Academics should consider eBooks as a viable publishing medium. They don’t have the quality control mechanisms that peer-reviewed journals enjoy, yet they do have an important place in the academic’s toolbox.

A Professor’s Platform

Dylan Kissane • Oct 25 2014 • Articles

In a world where research is disseminated online first and where PageRank can determine credibility – technical know-how is the skillset that will most impact on getting your work, research and ideas to the audience they suit.

Simulating Statecraft

Dylan Kissane • Oct 18 2014 • Articles

Plunged into days of debate, discussion, negotiation, and – hopefully – resolution of a crisis, good simulations can give students a taste for the business of politics.

State Department U. ?

Dylan Kissane • Oct 9 2014 • Articles

Steven Mintz’s piece provides a great summary of where higher education is currently innovating and what the higher education model of the future might look like.

What Counts for Important?

Dylan Kissane • Sep 30 2014 • Articles

Part of the job of an IR professor is to challenge the student to see that what happens in a distant land can have real implications for local politics too.

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