
Researching the Uncertain: Memory and Disappearance in Mexico

Danielle House • Apr 2 2020 • Articles

My project was framed by failure: it was impossible to conceptually and literally to understand the central issue of my project. Yet I tried to work within uncertainty.

Failing Better Together? A Stylised Conversation about Fieldwork

Johannes Gunesch and Amina Nolte • Mar 4 2020 • Articles

There is much more to critical research than publish or perish, success and failure. Supervision, collegiality, and care are crucial. ‘Failure’ must be worked through.

Review – The Politics of Compassion

Eva Botella-Ordinas • Feb 26 2020 • Features

This fascinating book is a major contribution to understanding the politics of humanitarianism and citizens’ agency in the current international neo-liberal global order.

Interview – Dana Gold

E-International Relations • Jan 28 2020 • Features

E-IR Article Award winner, Dana Gold discusses Israeli-Palestinian relations, the upcoming elections in Israel, peace theory, and the role of emotions in conflict.

Interview – George Butler

E-International Relations • May 20 2019 • Features

Reportage artist, George Butler, talks to us about his work drawing the news in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, as well the future for young Syrians and his Hands Up Foundation.

Narratives, Emotions, and the Contestations of the Liberal Order

Jelena Cupać • May 16 2019 • Articles

Scholars should look at narratives in order to explore developments in world politics and because they might make them mindful of the nature of their own narratives.

Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene

David Chandler • Apr 11 2019 • Articles

The Anthropocene is a deeply intense, material experience: a wild romp of the grotesque and the transgressive, emphasising our shared character of Earthly being.

Affective Communities and World Politics

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Emotions are not life-less phenomena that wait to be summoned and acted upon. Emotions can be forms of political agency and power and thus be engines of conversion.

Why Study Emotions in International Relations?

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

By appreciating the far-reaching significance of emotions in international relations we can approach and understand world politics in a whole new, more holistic light.

Feeling For the Game: How Emotions Shape Listening in Peacebuilding Partnerships

Pernilla Johansson • May 17 2017 • Articles

Interpreting emotions are not considered relevant to being a competent peace building practitioner, but paying attention to it helps us to listen and identify obstacles.

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