Author profile: Emma Hutchison

Emma Hutchison is a Research Fellow in the School of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on emotions and trauma in world politics, particularly in relation to security, humanitarianism and international aid. She has published widely on these topics in a range of scholarly journals and books. Together with Professor Roland Bleiker, Dr Hutchison edited the Forum on ‘Emotions and World Politics’ in International Theory in 2014. Her recent book, Affective Communities in World Politics: Collective Emotions After Trauma (Cambridge University Press, 2016) was awarded the British International Studies Association Susan Strange Prize for 2017.

Affective Communities and World Politics

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Emotions are not life-less phenomena that wait to be summoned and acted upon. Emotions can be forms of political agency and power and thus be engines of conversion.

Why Study Emotions in International Relations?

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

By appreciating the far-reaching significance of emotions in international relations we can approach and understand world politics in a whole new, more holistic light.

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