Nuclear Weapons

Regulating Nuclear Weapons

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 21 2023 • Student Features

The quest to regulate nuclear weapons gives us one possible answer to the question of why there has not been a third world war.

Opinion – The US Doesn’t Need More Nuclear Weapons

Sveta Yefimenko • Oct 10 2023 • Articles

While modernizing the US nuclear arsenal is a necessity, adding more nuclear weapons to the US stockpile is a costly and unnecessary endeavour.

The Danger of Passive Containment and Ignoring North Korea

Stephen Morgan • Nov 19 2022 • Articles

If stagnation in inter-Korean cooperation is to be bypassed, there needs to be a new approach that goes beyond leveraging economic support for denuclearisation.

The Erosion of the Nuclear Taboo

Shahin Malik • Oct 6 2022 • Articles

In the context of the war in Ukraine, the world may be entering a more dangerous phase where the use of nuclear weapons, however localised and limited, emerges as an option.

Opinion – The Future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Shivani Singh • Sep 18 2022 • Articles

It is high time that states took stock of the emerging threats and the unaddressed gaps that run the risk of further weakening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

Nuclear Weapons and International Relations

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 27 2022 • Online resources

It may seem strange but, despite their offensive power, nuclear weapons are primarily held as defensive tools – unlikely to be ever used. This is due to a concept central to IR known as ‘deterrence’.

North Korea’s Withdrawal from the NPT: Neorealism and Selectorate Theory

Su Bai • Jan 27 2022 • Essays

Both neorealism and the selectorate theory show that North Korea’s demand for nuclear weapons strongly correlates with a large US military presence in East Asia.

Review – The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution

Maren Vieluf • Sep 26 2021 • Features

Liber and Press present a strong case for a more cautious approach to continued nuclear deterrence, but seem to overlook the potential for catastophe.

Interview – Frank Sauer

E-International Relations • Mar 30 2021 • Features

Frank Sauer discusses the Iran Nuclear Deal, the ‘nuclear taboo’ and deterrence, nuclear sharing, and several treaties on nuclear weapons, including the New START, NPT, and TPNW.

Trump’s ‘Personalised’ North Korea Policy: 2018–2020 and the Way Forward

Angana Guha Roy • Sep 8 2020 • Articles

A fourth Trump-Kim Summit meeting ahead of the US elections appears unlikely, as does progress towards reaching a balanced agreement.

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