
Resolving the Rohingya Crisis Requires Justice in Myanmar and Solidarity with Bangladesh

Mukesh Kapila • Jul 13 2023 • Articles

There are enough resources to go around and the world’s dispossessed should not be put into undignified competition with each other.

Opinion – Addressing the Regional Security Risks of Rohingya Camps

Shafi Md Mostofa • May 7 2023 • Articles

The presence of militant organizations and extremist groups, criminal exploitation, the small-arms trade, and geopolitical tensions in the region are all factors that need to be addressed.

Theoretical Explanations of the Prevailing Instability of Myanmar’s Rakhine State

Sinmyung Park • Jun 12 2021 • Articles

Relying on current explanations that do not address the potential historical root causes or complexity of the conflict delays effective political responses.

Opinion – The Rohingya Conundrum amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sinmyung Park • Aug 7 2020 • Articles

If Myanmar considered taking a much more proactive stance on the repatriation of Rohingya refugees it would achieve both political and economic benefits in the long run.

Opinion – Identity Politics and COVID-19 in Myanmar’s Rakhine State

Sinmyung Park • Jun 8 2020 • Articles

All stakeholders should realise that COVID-19 provides a rare opportunity to advance the seemingly impossible goal of peace that the Rakhinese have longed for.

Nationalism, Persecution and Repatriation of the Rohingya

Kazi Fahmida Farzana • Apr 5 2018 • Articles

It is imperative to rethink whether incentives are good for a country like Myanmar which is recovering from the experience of nearly 50 years of military rule, or sanctions are more effective to change behavior.

Review – East Asia’s Other Miracle: Explaining the Decline of Mass Atrocities

Adrian Gallagher • Mar 7 2018 • Features

Bellamy’s text studies the remarkable decline of mass atrocities in East Asia since their peak and analyses the factors that fostered and hindered this phenomenon.

Interview – Simon Long

E-International Relations • Jan 4 2018 • Features

Journalist Simon Long shares his views on state-media relations in the Asian context, geopolitical tensions in East Asia, the role of ASEAN and Rohingya refugee crisis.

Is Russia a Strong State? The Complex Relationship with the Chechen Leadership

Alexander Tabachnik • Nov 29 2017 • Articles

The mass protests by Muslims in Moscow in September 2017 have demonstrated the increasing complexity of the relationship between Moscow and the Chechen leadership.

Interview – Joseph Chinyong Liow

E-International Relations • Oct 12 2017 • Features

Dr Chinyong Liow discusses the Trump administration’s strategy for East and Southeast Asia, growing conservatism in Indonesia, and the 50th anniversary of ASEAN.

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