United Nations

Interview – Arjun Chowdhury

E-International Relations • Apr 5 2024 • Features

Arjun Chowdhury reflects on the changes to what constitutes a contemporary security issue on the world stage, and the need for reform in approaches to state-building.

Review – The New United Nations

Martin Duffy • Feb 24 2024 • Features

This new edition provides a fresh look at the complexities of the UN and the challenges it faces, making it a welcome update to international relations scholarship.

Review – Martialling Peace

Vanessa Gauthier Vela • Jan 3 2024 • Features

Nicole Wegner highlights the problematic acceptance of militarism that accompanies peacekeeping, but the Canadian case study raises questions about global applicability.

The United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya

Sahil Mathur and Amitav Acharya • Dec 5 2023 • Student Features

Today, rather than Southern countries vying to host global organisations as Nairobi did, we are witnessing a strengthening and growth of ‘Southern’ international organisations.

Review – Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara

Irene Fernández-Molina • Nov 5 2023 • Features

This edited volume uses the case of MINURSO to shed light on the efficacy of United Nations peacekeeping missions, which could be improved with more first-hand accounts.

Opinion – A Diplomatic Breakthrough on Seas

Martin Duffy • Apr 12 2023 • Articles

The international community has what would appear to be a final resolution of the status of our governance of this shared space.

Review – Western Sahara

R. Joseph Huddleston • Mar 14 2023 • Features

Zunes and Mundy offer a detailed narrative of the origins and implications of the conflict, but the roles and impacts of some third-party actors remain under-explored.

Review – Building States

Martin Duffy • Mar 4 2023 • Features

Muschik provides an in-depth account of UN efforts to decolonise and state-build post-World War II, offering rare insight into the role of non-state actors.

Review – Reflections on a United Nations’ Career

Martin Duffy • Oct 14 2022 • Features

This book is an in-depth account of a UN official’s experiences in the global aid sector, and is an ideal read for aspirants in this field.

Review – Constructing the Responsibility to Protect

Richard Illingworth • Sep 14 2022 • Features

This excellent volume provides a coherent package of the debates on R2P in theory and practice, highlighting its continually contested nature.

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