Author profile: Bhaso Ndzendze

Bhaso Ndzendze, PhD, is Senior Lecturer and Head of Department: Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). His scholarship on China, Taiwan and Africa has been published in numerous journals and books, in addition to the popular press and policy briefs. His forthcoming volume (Palgrave) The Political Economy of Sino-South African Trade in the Context of Asia-Pacific Regional Competition examines the influence of disputes in the Asia- and Indo-Pacific on Asian states’ trade with external regions.

Understanding China’s ‘New’ Assertiveness from Resolved Territorial Questions

Bhaso Ndzendze • Jun 29 2022 • Articles

China’s assertiveness has its roots in popular sovereignty and is motivated by perceptions of international humiliation that took place long before the current era.

African Democratisation and the One China Policy

Bhaso Ndzendze • Jan 24 2020 • Articles

Democratisation and electoral competitiveness in African states has led to a growth in the recognition of China.

Malawi and the One China Policy: 1964–2008

Bhaso Ndzendze • Apr 22 2019 • Articles

Using Malawi as a case study, can economics account for why Taiwan has seemingly lost in the diplomatic battle for recognition against China in Africa?

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