Author profile: Charlie Tarr

21st Century ‘Resource Control’ Insurgencies: The Case of the Niger Delta

Charlie Tarr • Oct 9 2011 • Essays

Resources are strategically invaluable economic and political tools. It is the unquestionable human thirst for black gold, and other vital resources such as water and minerals, where global capitalism, post-colonial kleptocracy and the disenfranchised insurgent will meet in an unpredictable and volatile new paradigm.

Have attempts at reconciliation and justice in post-genocide Rwanda fostered or hindered a new national identity?

Charlie Tarr • Sep 8 2011 • Essays

The fallout from the 1994 Rwandan genocide would always be complex and littered with historical, ethnic and political issues and efforts to find closure through the judicial process is inherently problematic. The failure to address the grievances of all ethnic groups will continue to hinder changes for a lasting national identity.

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