Author profile: Christina Soto van der Plas

Christina Soto van der Plas received her PhD in Spanish Literature from Cornell University in 2016. She currently teaches at Santa Clara University, California. She has published several articles and essays on Latin American literature in national and international journals. Her non-fiction book, Curaçao, costa de cemento pueblo de prisión (FETA, 2019) won the National Prize for Young Chronicle in Mexico. She has translated three books by Alenka Zupančič into Spanish and writes pieces regularly for magazines and websites in Mexico such as Tierra Adentro. She is also a student of counseling psychology.

Latin American Antiphilosophies

Christina Soto van der Plas • Apr 7 2022 • Articles

Truths exist in a space and time, and not in the vacuum that Europe promotes in order to preserve the character of ‘universal’ history.

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