Author profile: Clive H Church

Clive H Church, BA, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor of European Studies, University of Kent, and Visiting Professor, University of Sussex. He is the author of The Penguin Guide to the European Treaties [with David Phinnemore] (2002), The Politics and Government of Switzerland (Palgrave, 2004), Understanding the European Constitution [with David Phinnemore] (Routledge, 2006), Switzerland and the European Union [editor] (Routledge, 2007), and A Concise History of Switzerland [with Randy Head] (CUP, 2013), among others.

Switzerland and the EU: Many a Slip Between Swiss Cup and Lip

Clive H Church • Apr 11 2014 • Articles

Swiss politics has too many veto players for swift decisions. It is out of the interplay of these contending forces that any change in its foreign policy will come.

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