Author profile: Dana-Marie Seepersad

Wolfgang Friedmann and the Major Developments in International Law: 1945-1964

Dana-Marie Seepersad • Feb 24 2011 • Essays

In the “Changing Structure of International Law” Friedmann begins by considering the main changes that have taken place in international law: its vertical extension to new fields such as economic collaboration and welfare, its horizontal expansion to take in all the civilizations and cultures of the world as well as the influence of various ideologies.

The politics of bipolarity and IPE in contemporary times

Dana-Marie Seepersad • Feb 17 2011 • Essays

Bipolarity is based on constant tension, which leads to competition, and ultimately, war. International political economy is regarded as the principal focus of the forces of globalization and the main way in which it is transmitted throughout the world. With the end of bipolarity and the disappearance of barriers between people, is the emergence of a unipolar world a world order based on globalisation?

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