Author profile: Darian Meacham

Darian Meacham is assistant professor of philosophy at Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, and Deputy Director for Responsible Research and Innovation at BrisSynBio (a UK Research Council Funded Synthetic Biology Research Centre). He has published several articles and book chapters on human enhancement, and is currently interested in the social and political impact of automation technologies.

The Subjects of Posthuman IR

Darian Meacham • Oct 12 2017 • Articles

The notion of the posthuman considered in biological or functional terms is of course interesting and important, but it is the human subject that matters to politics.

The Left’s Europe Problem

Darian Meacham • Apr 15 2014 • Articles

What’s a Social Democrat to do? One solution is to push for enhanced powers for the EU Parliament. Another is to consider that EU institutions may have to be re-imagined.

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