Author profile: Davide Ragnolini

Davide Ragnolini is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Philosophy of Turin (Italy) and currently Ph.D Visiting Fellow at Cardiff School of Law and Politics. He is also a research associate with the “Istituto di Politica” (IdP), and since 2013 he is contributor of the quarterly Italian geopolitical review: “Eurasia. Rivista di studi geopolitici”. His research project revolves around the Hobbesian conception on interstate relations, exploring the so called “Hobbesian Tradition” in IR and focusing on the history of international ideas and early modern European history. You can follow his Academia profile here.

From Styria to Syria: A Return of a Thirty Years’ War?

Davide Ragnolini • Apr 30 2018 • Articles

In IR debates, an epistemic challenge to the Westernist and the radical Orientalist orientations could come from a clear-eyed reassessment of our past wars.

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