Author profile: Gabriela Marin Thornton

Gabriela Marin Thornton is an Instructional Associate Professor of International Affairs at Texas A&M University. She received her PhD (International Studies, 2006) from the University of Miami. In June 2014 she was invited to attend the Norwegian Nobel Institute Visiting Fellow Program.  Her 2014 publications include: “The Outsiders: Power Differentials between Roma/Gypsies and non-Roma in Europe”, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol.15, Issue 1, 2014, and “Democracies and World Order”, Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, Ed. David Armstrong, New York: Oxford University Press.

The Roma/Gypsies: “Outcasts” of Europe

Gabriela Marin Thornton • Feb 16 2015 • Articles

The Roma story has not been the story of the powerful. It is a story of the ones that have done whatever they could in order to survive in a very adverse environment.

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