Author profile: Ioannis Tellidis

The Children of Riots: Society, Violence and the Youth in Greece

Ioannis Tellidis • Oct 17 2011 • Articles

Police brutality is now part of everyday life in Greece. Violence from extreme political circles of all directions is on the rise, and an overall feeling of everyone-against-everyone makes evident the crumbling of Greek society.Thus, the only thing that Greek Police seem to be good at is to provoke indignation.

Greek and EU Mentalities

Ioannis Tellidis • Jun 27 2011 • Articles

Greece has been financially ill even before it joined the then EEC. The symptoms were chronic cronyism, high levels of nepotism, severe clientelism and acute individualistic mentalities. Why did banks continue lending to a country like Greece, especially since they knew the economic state of affairs the country has been in for decades?

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