Author profile: Michael Brzoska

Michael Brzoska is Professor and Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He has degrees in both economics and political science, and much of his research focuses on the political economy of security. His past research topics include the arms trade, arms production, military conversion, and conflict analysis. Most recently, he has focused on the links between climate change and security. He has published widely on sanctions, particularly arms embargoes, and led a series of seminars involving diplomats, bureaucrats, and academics in a process to reform UN arms embargoes and travel related sanctions (the “Bonn-Berlin Process“). He can be contacted via email:

The Power and Consequences of International Sanctions

Michael Brzoska • May 19 2014 • Articles

The question of whether sanctions “work” becomes one of whether the type and form of sanction adopted fits the overall policies developed to achieve a certain outcome.

Climate Change and the Military

Michael Brzoska • Mar 16 2012 • Articles

While knowledge about the impact of climate change on the role of militaries is scant, planning for a future with climate change has begun.

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