Author profile: Precious N Chatterje-Doody

Precious N Chatterje-Doody is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester, investigating the RT (Russia Today) network as part of the AHRC-funded project “Reframing Russia for the Global Mediasphere: from Cold War to ‘information war’?” In addition to her work on RT, she has research interests in historical narrative; national identity projection and political legitimation; Russian foreign and security policy; global media and ‘post-truth’ politics; and global governance. Precious tweets @PreciousChatD.

How RT (Russia Today) Navigates ‘Us’ and ‘Them’

Precious N Chatterje-Doody • Oct 3 2018 • Articles

RT is often portrayed as a ‘fake news’ network. Yet, if its outputs were restricted to blatant propaganda, it would struggle to maintain the modest audiences it does.

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