Author profile: Ross Hall

Ross is currently studying for an MA Applied Strategy and Security Studies with the Britannia Royal Naval College at Plymouth University. His main interests are the contemporary application of force, military strategy and British defensive capabilities.

British Counterinsurgency in the post-Cold War World

Ross Hall • Sep 1 2011 • Essays

The ‘British approach’ for conducting counterinsurgency (COIN) operations can act as guidance for how to achieve the best results. This approach has been honed through Britain’s unique experience of empire policing and conduct in several small wars spanning over 150 years. However, it is now coming under criticism for its apparent lack of utility in the post-Cold War world.

What is the terrorist threat in cyber-space?

Ross Hall • Jul 26 2011 • Essays

The typical approaches to warfare, force, offence, defence and deterrence, do not necessarily cross over into cyber conflicts, be they for cyber warfare or countering cyber-terrorism. The world of network interactions changes the rules of the game, where the attackers can more easily remain anonymous, and the targets can be anything that is on an open network.

Inter-war airpower theory and World War II

Ross Hall • Jun 28 2011 • Essays

The development of air power in the realm of the military emerged almost at the same time as aviation itself due to the accelerating features of the First World War. With air power’s inception, it became possible to make strategic strikes against the enemy’s centre of gravity without the necessity of making contact in a traditional land or sea war.

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