Author profile: Sarmad Ishfaq

Sarmad Ishfaq is the CEO of the think tank, Paradigm Shift. His work has been published in The Diplomat, Middle East Monitor, Harvard, Open Democracy, GVS, and Eurasia Review. He has also been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Social Identities. Previously he worked as a research fellow for the Lahore Center for Peace Research. He has a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Wollongong in Dubai where he was recognized as the ‘Top Graduate’.

Opinion – Pakistan Hatred Sells in Modi’s India

Sarmad Ishfaq • Jul 4 2024 • Articles

From public obloquy to outright war-mongering, from stereotypical films to jingoistic news anchors, Modi’s India is awash with anti-Pakistan sentiment.

From Militancy to Stone Pelting: The Vicissitudes of the Kashmiri Freedom Movement

Sarmad Ishfaq • Oct 27 2020 • Articles

Amidst a breakdown in relations over Kashmir, signs are pointing towards another war between Pakistan and India.

From Arms to Ballots: The Politicization of Hezbollah and Hamas

Sarmad Ishfaq • Jun 2 2019 • Articles

Hezbollah and Hamas give credence to how imperative a hierarchical organizational structure, robust leadership, and healthy public support are in terms of politicization.

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