Author profile: Toni Čerkez and Martin Gramc

Toni Čerkez, holds a BA degree in IR and Sociology-Anthropology from Lake Forest College, MA in IR from Central European University and is currently a 1st year PhD student at the University of Aberystwyth. His research focuses on Arendtian political theory and post-humanism/Anthropocene studies.


Martin Gramc, holds master in sociology from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences and is affiliated with the Peace Institute in Ljubljana. They are involved in LGBT+ activism in the post-socialist Yugoslavian space.

State of Exception? When Theory Meets Its Walls: A Rejoinder

Toni Čerkez and Martin Gramc • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

It seems exaggerated, if not theoretically blind, to claim that emergency measures adopted in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak are ‘irrational and entirely unfounded’.

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