Middle East

Changing Israeli Security Perspectives

Carl Ciovacco • Jul 11 2013 • Essays

Is Israel returning to the strategy of “security through peace” or a continuation of the “security through strength” mindset characterized by deterrence, containment, and military force?

Understanding Regional Integration in the GCC

Robert Copper • Jul 8 2013 • Essays

The literature overlooks factors significant to the development of the GCC, revealing a Western bias that ignores the underlying social, cultural, political, and economic structures.

Pakistani Attitudes Toward the West and Field Hockey

Andrew Anzur Clement • Jul 1 2013 • Essays

Pakistan’s reaction toward its Olympic field hockey team’s performance reflects its inferiority complex and the power relations of Pakistan with former colonial and western powers.

Militant Islamist Movements in Egypt, Afghanistan and Iran during the Cold War

Charles Cooper • Jun 28 2013 • Essays

Both the Soviet Union and the United States played an important role in facilitating the rise of radical Islamism during their Cold War rivalry.

Can Constructivism Explain the Arab Spring?

Susanne Hartmann • Jun 19 2013 • Essays

Though not without limitations, social constructivism remains one of the most useful theories in examining the Arab Spring as a response to social forces and a globalization of norms.

Why Has R2P Not Been Applied to Syria?

Filippos Aligizakis • Jun 6 2013 • Essays

Syria warrants the application of R2P as there is an on-going government campaign of extermination against civilians; however, no country is willing to commit to a military intervention.

Iraq Invasion: A “Just War” or Just a War?

Nipunika Lecamwasam • Jun 6 2013 • Essays

The 2003 invasion of Iraq clashed with the longstanding standards set forth by the Just War theory, and any attempt to defend it as such is a misinterpretation of the concept of Just War.

Does the Media Manufacture Public Consent?

Astrid Holzinger • May 27 2013 • Essays

The common assumption that state-owned news outlets are likely to be used for propaganda, while commercial outlets are objective, is problematic, as seen in the coverage of the Iraq war.

Should We Hope That the World Will Become More Democratic?

Antonio Ribeiro • May 25 2013 • Essays

The Arab Spring has reinvigorated the appeal of democracy, and has shown that America does not need to drive transitions to democracy.

Using the ‘Queer’ to Construct the Non-West

Mel Nowicki • May 24 2013 • Essays

The non-West is often portrayed as underdeveloped and its emigrants are securitised in order to ensure the West’s preservation and justify its self-interested interventions.

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