Benjamin Netanyahu

Reagan, Obama, and Israel: Historical Context, Uncomfortable Comparisons

Jonathan Sciarcon • Jan 19 2017 • Articles

Obama has treaded more lightly with Israel than Reagan and Bush. It is useful to compare recent events to periods of tension from 1981-1982 during Regan’s presidency.

The Obama Administration and Israel: Aberration or Harbinger of Change?

Jonathan Sciarcon • Aug 29 2016 • Articles

We are witnessing the start of an unraveling bi-partisan support in the US for Israel, which has potentially been hurried by the Obama-Netanyahu feud.

Interview – Nadav Tamir

E-International Relations • Jul 3 2016 • Features

Nadav Tamir discusses his mentor Shimon Peres, his support for the Iran nuclear deal and why a two-state solution between Israel and an independent Palestine is possible.

Netanyahu’s Victory and Israel’s Future

Ian Lustick • Mar 27 2015 • Articles

Ultimately the choice for Israelis will be between a state organized to discriminate against non-Jews, and an Israeli state organized to respect all its citizens.

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