Climate Change

Climate Change, Human Mobility and Feminist Political Economy

Betty Barkha • Sep 30 2021 • Articles

The responses to climate change mitigation efforts need to be targeted at not only addressing climate change impacts but also reducing gender and social inequalities.

Opinion – What Climate ‘Code Red’ Means for Africa

Mukesh Kapila • Sep 28 2021 • Articles

The relentless progression of climate change poses an existentialist threat to African peoples. It needs a Pan-African effort for which the African Union is the logical body.

Interview – Robert Falkner

E-International Relations • Sep 26 2021 • Features

Robert Falkner discusses his research on environmental norm changes, climate policy, and the role of technology in mitigating climate change.

Interview – Alan Philps

E-International Relations • Jul 21 2021 • Features

Alan Philps talks about his career in journalism, current challenges facing journalists, Britain’s role in the world, and the US approach to climate change.

Interview – Joshua Busby

E-International Relations • May 16 2021 • Features

Josua Busby talks about climate security, the role of militaries in achieving it, those most at risk from climate change, and he looks ahead to COP26.

Interview – Victor Khodayar-Pardo

E-International Relations • May 10 2021 • Features

Victor Khodayar-Pardo discusses his work for the United Nations, including the organisation’s response to Covid-19, environmental issues and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Teaching Fiction’s Futures: Pedagogy for Climate-Changed Global Politics

Bryant William Sculos • Mar 18 2021 • Articles

The value of using films and novels is that they give students opportunities to think imaginatively how we might deal with climate politics, organize with others, and eschew cynicism.

Political Topology in the Anthropocene: Reconsidering Political Space in Light of Covid-19

Maximilian Lakitsch • Jan 5 2021 • Articles

Humanity seems to be ill-prepared to deal with transnational challenges, whether they concern a virus or the consequences of climate change.

Opinion – Bolsonaro as Antithesis to the Green Growth Agenda

João P. Romero and Fernanda Cimini • Dec 22 2020 • Articles

In the absence of a radical overhaul of existing economic policies, it is unlikely that Brazil will be able to offer any green transformation.

Call for Contributors – Climate Change and Global Distributive Justice

Fausto Corvino and Tiziana Andina • Nov 25 2020 • Features

We seek abstracts for book chapters that help to systematise and analyse climate distributive justice, i.e. the set of normative principles that indicate how the costs and benefits should be shared.

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