
Thinking Global Podcast – Quentin Skinner

E-International Relations • Apr 8 2024 • Features

Quentin Skinner speaks about understanding the work of Hobbes and Machiavelli, contextualism, political theory, global politics, and more.

What IR Can Learn From the Intellectual Historian

Terry Nardin and William Bain • Feb 9 2019 • Articles

The intellectual historian makes an important contribution to IR by taking its practitioners beyond the simple approach to the past that the idea of a canon represents.

Interview – Richard Ned Lebow

E-International Relations • Feb 15 2016 • Features

Richard Ned Lebow discusses his ‘dinner party’ with Mozart, reflects on the key events that shaped his life, and explains what distinguishes his theory of constructivism.

The Tale of a ‘Realism’ in International Relations

Hartmut Behr and Xander Kirke • Jun 13 2014 • Articles

The tale of a contiguous Realist tradition, running the gamut from Thucydides to Morgenthau, occludes these thinkers’ strong normative commitments.

The Enduring Importance of Hobbes in the Study of IR

Guilio Gallarotti • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

Complex rationality, as demonstrated in Hobbes’ tale of the fool, opens up possibilities for synthesizing three IR paradigms. This more cosmopolitan vision might inspire a new paradigm: cosmopolitik.

The Social Contract Theory in a Global Context

Jason Neidleman • Oct 9 2012 • Articles

Today’s philosophers, much like those before them, continually evolve the social contract idea. Despite theoretical difficulties, it persists as political theorists’ most viable tool for conceptualizing the principles of global justice.

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