
Opinion – The Centrality of Yemen’s Tribal Politics in Peace Efforts

Poornima B • Sep 25 2022 • Articles

Yemen’s priorities should be in building state-society relations in the aftermath of war as part of the post-war reconstruction framework, and in sustaining stable and just governance.

Opinion – Escalating Conflict Endangers Prospects of Peace in Yemen

Nanda Kishor M S and Poornima B • Jan 22 2022 • Articles

The scenario in Yemen in the midst of recent violence only draws more attention to the layers of complexity that have to be unfolded in order to resolve the conflict.

Interview – Ibrahim Jalal

E-International Relations • Mar 16 2021 • Features

Ibrahim Jalal sets out the challenges facing the unity government in Yemen, the UAE’s influence, and the Houthi response to the pandemic.

The Human Cost of Remote Warfare in Yemen

Baraa Shiban and Camilla Molyneux • Feb 16 2021 • Articles

Remote warfare operations in Yemen have led to the deaths of thousands of civilians, along with having significant economic, educational and mental health implications for impacted communities.

The Crime of Hunger: Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis

Johan Leijon • Sep 17 2020 • Articles

The situation in Yemen exemplifies the effect of human involvement and shows that mass hunger is actor-driven and not a natural phenomenon.

Opinion – Civil War’s Splinters Indicate a Fractured Future for Yemen

Poornima B • Sep 12 2020 • Articles

Yemen’s seemingly fractured future holds nothing but catastrophe to its people if attempts at seeking a political resolution do not succeed.

The “Drone” Lexicon

Joseph Chapa • Sep 30 2019 • Articles

The term, “drone,” is often unhelpful and is useful only to the degree that those who use it clarify the sub-categories within it that are actually at stake.

Environmental (In)Security in the Middle East

Adriana Seagle • May 15 2019 • Articles

Environmental issues are interlinked with social and political struggles across the region, and water and food security are areas in which countries have common interests.

The United Nations and Middle Eastern Security

Allison Miller • Nov 25 2018 • Articles

With the presence of ISIS winding down, the war in Yemen, increasing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and other regional issues the UN is able to fill the role of a moderating third party.

Drone Technology and the Trump Doctrine

Mary Ellen O'Connell and Brian Boyd • Jun 29 2017 • Articles

Trump is not breaking new ground in using greater lethal force than predecessors and ignoring international law, rather taking the direction towards a logical conclusion.

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