
Interview – Lyubomir Kyuchukov

E-International Relations • Sep 28 2017 • Features

Lyubomir Kyuchoukov discusses the partnership agreement between Bulgaria and Macedonia, EU policy in the Western Balkans and Macedonia’s attempts to join the EU and NATO.

Interview – Maria Mälksoo

E-International Relations • Sep 22 2017 • Features

Dr Mälksoo explores the ontological security and identities of the Baltic states and compares the historical memory of these states to the Russian biographical narrative.

Review – Perspectives on the Grenada Revolution

Gary Williams • Sep 20 2017 • Features

With chapters drawn from a wide range of authors, this collection succeeds in furthering our understanding of the Grenada Revolution’s complexities and enduring legacy.

Interview – William I. Robinson

E-International Relations • Sep 16 2017 • Features

Professor Robinson answers questions on his theory of global capitalism, the future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, and the role of the BRICS in world order.

Interview – Bernard D’Mello

E-International Relations • Sep 10 2017 • Features

Journalist Bernard D’Mello discusses Fidel Castro’s legacy in the Global South, imperialism, Maoist movements in South Asia and India’s status as an emerging power.

Review – Equal Opportunity Peacekeeping

Matthew Kearns • Aug 28 2017 • Features

A significant contribution to critical debates within IR and gender scholarship that includes a rich empirical analysis of female peacekeepers and their experiences.

Review – The International Law of State Responsibility: An Introduction

Richard W. Coughlin • Aug 18 2017 • Features

Kolb provides an excellent overview of the international law of state responsibility in a text that should be of interest to students of law and international relations.

Interview – Julian Go

E-International Relations • Aug 10 2017 • Features

Prof. Go discusses social theory, the need for a ‘third wave’ of postcolonial thought, the dangers of American exceptionalism and identifies the patterns of empire.

Review – Drug War Capitalism

Richard W. Coughlin • Aug 9 2017 • Features

Dawn Paley’s book captures the opportunistic capacity of neoliberal decision-makers to advance policy agendas through the War on Drugs in Latin America.

Interview – Holger Stritzel

E-International Relations • Aug 2 2017 • Features

Dr Stritzel discusses what it means to be “critical”, assesses developments in securitization studies, and gives some advice for young Critical Security Studies scholars.

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