
The Maywand District Murders: Violence, Vulnerability and Desecrating the Body

Thomas Gregory • Mar 8 2016 • Articles

The extraordinary level of pain and suffering that was inflicted on the body of Gul Mudin and others speaks to the peculiar relationship between violence and the body.

Killing by Remote Control: Western Countries Relying on Technology in the Military

Alex Harris • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

The growing reliance on drones highlights the Western requirement for precision, accountability, and a reduction in collateral damage

Kunduz – Beyond the Battleground

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 16 2015 • Articles

The latest military operations by the Taliban in the North of Afghanistan make obvious that the group seems not to be weakened at all, but even stronger than before.

Hurting the Host: The Rationale of the Afghan Exodus

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 8 2015 • Articles

Against the backdrop of the situation of the refugees trying to enter Europe, it is crucial to find the necessary steps needed to stop the exodus of Afghan people.

Interview – Sarah Chayes

E-International Relations • Sep 30 2015 • Features

Sarah Chayes discusses her research into state corruption, explains its links to issues of conflict and revolution, and reflects on the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Edited Collection – Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics

E-International Relations • Apr 5 2015 • Features

This collection addresses common questions about Political Islam, Islamic State/ISIS, and challenges common understandings on the issue of Islam and democracy.

Learning How Not to Scare People: The Paradox of Counterinsurgency

Lillian Figg-Franzoi • Feb 20 2015 • Articles

Scaling down the revered cult of counterinsurgency in future interventions, may be the only way to provide missions with a sense of real international purpose.

Afghanistan in India’s Regional Calculus and Pakistan’s Detrimental Impact

Djan Sauerborn • Feb 7 2015 • Articles

With China’s presence and the entrenched patterns of enmity between India and Pakistan, it will be interesting to observe how India pursues its stakes in the Hindu Kush.

Reflections on the American War, Karzai, and Orientalism in Afghanistan

Shah Mahmoud Hanifi • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

The lens of Orientalism allows us to see the weight of historical and cultural gravity in Afghanistan. However, it has reached its metaphorical zenith in the country.

Political Islam and Arab Civil Society

Timothy Poirson • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Political Islam is a term that is often used amongst circles of academics and policymakers, but its complexity is seldom acknowledged or understood – especially post 2011.

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